
USS Elmore's War Diary covers the period 25 August 1943 - 31 January 1946. It was not declassified by the National Archives until 31 December 2012 – over 65 years after having been originally submitted.

What you need to know to read this file

The War Diary file is immediately readable on a Mac or PC and is completely scrollable from top to bottom. Unfortunately, that is not the case with portable devices such as iPhones and iPads. These devices will only allow you to see the first page of a PDF file. If you are using a portable device, click on the Download link below to copy the file to your device. This is the only way to read the file from a smart phone or tablet. The PDF file can also be downloaded to your desktop computer if you wish to maintain a copy of the file. Additionally, from your desktop computer, you can mouse-over the bottom of the War Diary page for additional options (zoom, open file with your computer's PDF reader or download the PDF file to your Mac or PC).


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