This website is designed with seven navigation options that are available throughout the website. Here are the basics …
Top Menu Icon
At the top left corner of every page is a small black square menu icon. Clicking on this icon will bring out a side-sliding menu that will present the entire website as an outline. It will give you access to the major topics and subtopics.
An angle arrow to the right of a menu item indicates that there is a pop-down submenu associated with that item. Click on that arrow to access the subtopic listings for that main topic.
The Home Page
The Home Page itself is designed to be the fundamental navigation page. There are twelve major topics represented by the circular icons positioned between the red lines.
Each major topic has a circular icon which links to that topic's page. The topic is briefly described below the circular icon.
Think of this website as defined by a twelve-point outline where every other page falls under one of these twelve primary topics.
Subtopic Pages
Every one of the twelve topic links on the Home Page will take you to a linked subtopic page. These topics and subtopics provide a visual presentation of how the website is organized.
On most of these pages, at the top left, is a black icon labeled as the Home Page button.
The design objective for website navigation has been to represent the outline of the website by the use of icons. In short, you can reach any and every topic page by drilling down from the Home page.
Search Bar
From the Home Page, there is a button that allows you to access the SEARCH bar. Type in a search word or words and hit the Return key on your keyboard.
This live search box will allow you to search the entire website for any specific terms that you enter. The search is dynamic, not indexed. In non-technical terms, that means that it is slow but it does work. As with all things, patience is a virtue.
If you are searching for a member of the crew, go to the CREW page from the HOME page. From there, you will find links to both the ship's officers and enlisted men.
Button Links at Page Bottom
At the very bottom of most topic pages, you will find two or more buttons. Usually, one will be a HOME button while the other will be a link back to the previous Subtopic page (in this case, PACIFIC WAR).
The layout of these buttons is context sensitive. It is based on where you are in the overall scheme of things. Think of it this way: as you explore the website, you burrow down. This button gives you the means to move back up a level.
If your topic contains a series of pages, you may find both a PREVIOUS and NEXT button.
Home Button
As noted, almost every page on the website will have a HOME button (complete with a home icon). This is usually located on the bottom of a page and it insures that you will always be able to return home.
Browser BACK Button
Every web browser has a BACK button, located at the top left of the webpage. If you get lost, this is your salvation. You can click repeatedly on the BACK button and your path will be retraced for you.
This may also be useful if you follow a link that takes you outside the USS Elmore website.